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Clade Engineering Systems Case Study

Clade Engineering System, a 38-year-old industrial company based in Leeds, England, specializes in manufacturing industrial-scale natural refrigerant heat pumps. Recently, Clade underwent a significant business transformation, shifting from refrigeration to the heating sector. This move, coupled with rapid growth, presented new challenges and opportunities in how they managed their expanding product range and customer base.

Clade’s journey with Start with Data not only streamlined its product
information management but also positioned the company to better adapt to
the digital demands of the modern B2B landscape. The case of Clade
demonstrates how embracing digital transformation and advanced PIM
solutions can lead to enhanced customer experiences, operational
efficiencies, and a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industry.


Traditionally reliant on Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoints, PDFs, and paper for product information management, Clade struggled with data transfer and control among its engineering, manufacturing, and sales teams. With a product line featuring around 1500 individual component types and constant updates, maintaining accurate and accessible product information was a daunting task. The dispersed sales force, growing number of partners, and outdated methods of information sharing added to the complexity. Clade’s primary challenges included:


Clade partnered with Start with Data to implement Sales Layer. This project
was a cornerstone of Clade’s wider digital transformation, which also
included integrating CRM systems and IoT initiatives. The Sales Layer PIM
solution centralised and digitised Clade’s product catalog, facilitating:


The PIM implementation brought about transformative changes in Clade’s operations, delivering substantial benefits:

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